Pic Of The Day: Mahesh Babu on the sets of Aagadu!

Update: 2014-05-25 12:18 GMT
The shoot of 'Aagadu' has been currently progressing at a brisk space in Ladakh (Jammu and Kashmir). We have to wait for few more months to know why Srinu Vytla choose this 'land of high passes' for his mass entertainer!

Watch out the exclusive latest picture of one and only Mahesh Babu from the shooting location of 'Aagadu' in Ladakh. The man staring beside Superstar is his personal trainer. The Charming Actor looks stylish and maintains a very relaxed body language just like always.

This pic would surely bring smile on the faces of his numerous fans across the World as this is his first appearance after being voted as Most Desirable Men of the Country. Enjoy Mahesh Fans!

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