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Tadakha 2 weeks Collections: Chaitu sets a record!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   24 May 2013 4:01 PM GMT
Tadakha 2 weeks Collections: Chaitu sets a record!
Naga Chaitanya has increased his business range with Tadakha. The first two weeks collections of the film were impressive and the film had already went on to become the highest grosser in Chaitu's career, surpassing '100% Love' record.

Tadakha established Naga Chaitanya as a mass hero in the Industry. The film showed that he could play both lover boy kind roles and mass characters convincingly. Especially, Chaitu's dialogue delivery and body language in some of the pivotal scenes has been appreciated by the audience. He is fastly maturing as an actor and his enthusiasm to learn new things is paying off.

Thadaka 2 weeks Collections:

Nizam – Rs 3.93 crore; Ceeded – Rs 3.46 crore; Vizag – Rs 1.56 crore; West Godavari – Rs 78 Lakhs; East – Rs 87 Lakhs; Guntur – Rs 1.47 crore; Krishna – Rs 85 Lakhs; Nellore – Rs 66 Lakhs.

Total 2 weeks AP Collection (Share) – Rs 13.58 crore.

Total 2 weeks Worldwide Collection (share) : Rs 15.05 crore (including Karnataka + ROI – 1.04 crores; Overseas – 43 Lakhs).