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Stop using Gandhi name: Mahatma kin open letter to Rahul

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   10 March 2014 11:07 AM GMT
Stop using Gandhi name: Mahatma kin open letter to Rahul

Few days back Congress vice-president Rahul Gandhi took on RSS, blaming the outfit for assassination of Mahatma Gandhi.

"RSS people killed Gandhiji and today their people (BJP) talk of him...They opposed Sardar Patel and Gandhiji," Rahul said while addressing a public rally in Thane district.

Now Rahul faced ire of Gandhi family members for his unjustified comments and Mahatma Gandhi great grandson Shrikrishna Kulkarni wrote a letter to Congress Party Vice president Rahul Gandhi questioning on usage Gandhi name for votes and politics.

He criticized Rahul for his using gandhiji name for political interests and here is the letter …