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Pawan Kalyan not missed at Memu Saitham

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   3 Dec 2014 12:34 PM GMT
Pawan Kalyan not missed at Memu Saitham
Each and every move of Pawan Kalyna will attract the audience and the Powerstar Kalyan the talk of T-Town once again. Well this time, he is in the news for his mysterious absence at 'Memu Saitam' event.its known that Pawan was not appeared at the event which conducted for noble cause and a lot being written about his absence.

We are hearing different versions from the Film Nagar people. Most of the people said that Pawan didn’t wanted to face Chiranjeevi and that is the reason why he skipped the event.

While there are many gossips flowing about Pawan absence one of Pawan Kalyan fan decides to write a open letter to all critics who blaming Pawan and here is the letter which is currnelty sharing in social networking sites

‘’When the thought that I can’t further stop myself from writing an open letter to you passed my mind, I couldn’t decide how to address you. Should I address you as ‘Dear Kalyan!’? That didn’t seem appropriate. Then I thought going for ‘Brother!’. Thought you can’t be just a brother. Tried to address you ‘Sir!’.But that is like distancing myself from you. Undecided, I started without a formal salutation.

Coming out of the confusion, lemme first remind myself the reason why I decided to write an open letter. It’s your absence in ‘Memu Saitham’ event. A lot is written and discussed ON your absence, IN your absence.

YOU are pin-pointed for not being sensitive to show up for an event held for a cause. An event for stretching a helping hand towards the victims of Hudhud who are devastated and are waiting for help.

Wait a bit. I’m confused. What is more important, reaching out for the needy or showing up at a fun filled event? Didn’t you rush to Vizag immediately after the cyclone broke out? My knowledge says that you even donated Rs.50 lakhs and appealed to us (ur fans) to reach out for the victims and provide basic needs. Then why are you questioned?

Lemme rethink…

* You were there in Vizag even before the opposition leader Jagan, who could make it possible only after a few days.
* You were in Vizag when Congress star campaigner Chiranjeevi was holidaying.
* You literally toured the places before anyone else from the film industry made it to the disastrous scene.

I could see you in ‘Memu Saitham’ event even. Though you weren’t present there in person, the inspiration you filled in every Pawan’s fan can reason that your energy is flowing throughout the day…only that you are not visible physically. Only that we missed the fun.. to see you smile.. to see you socialise.. to see you sending implicit message.

Once again, another question crossed my mind. What is important.. to be seen or to be felt? Again am confused. When I know that you would definitely appear when you decide to appear, why this letter to you?

Am I also doubting you? Nay. Am I questioning you to answer the questions raised on you? Am I questioning you to remind myself that there are actually no questions?

I started this letter to ask a question. Now by the end of this letter, I’ve myself got the answer… That’s like a Pawan’s real fan! What say Kalyan? Need I tell my name? This is one Madhu out of crores of your die-hard fans who believe you through thick and thin’’