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Online tickets for Lord Venkateshwara Darshanam

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   17 July 2014 6:12 AM GMT
Online tickets for Lord Venkateshwara Darshanam
Today TTD JEO announced that from Sravanamasam devotees can take the tickets from their home for the Lord Venkateshwara Darshanam in Tirumala. The tickets will be issued though E-Darshan scheme. Tickets will be issued in three slots as like a day before, week before, fifteen days before. This will enable the devotees to save their time and effort on visiting lord Venkateshwara in Tirumala. The tickets pricing of 300 only is available through E-Darshan Scheme.

Once the tickets are issued the devotes can directly enter in to Q-Line at specified time. TTD JEO assured the devotees can see Lord Venkateshwara within 2 hours from the time they entered into Q-Line. The main aspect of the scheme is to reduce the Devotees floating unnecessarily and trying to provide ontime service to them. The scheme will be started from Sravanamasam onwards.