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One more Crore in Sania Mirza’s account?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   7 Sep 2014 10:31 AM GMT
One more Crore in Sania Mirza’s account?
Tennis Sensation Sania Mirza won mixed doubles in US open. This is the first tournament for her to win abroad after getting the Telengana brand ambassador tag. With this victory, Sania took the title of Telengana to international level. After coming to India, Sania mentioned that she is dedicating this success to Telengana state.

This is considered to be a sharp reply to all the people who questioned her nationality in the past. People of Telengana are now feeling proud to have Sania Mirza as their brand ambassador. With this victory, there are chances for KCR to allocate one more Crore to Sania Mirza for the development of her Tennis Academy.

Few sports celebrities mentioned that they didn’t get their pay cheques till now, in spite of winning the titles long back. “Will government consider these celebrities before Sania or will it ignore those celebrities?” turned out to be a debatable point.