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Murder in Hyderabad recorded in CCTV camera

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   21 Jun 2013 5:06 AM GMT
Murder in Hyderabad recorded in CCTV camera

An Atrocity happened in Hyderabad Langar house. During morning time while people are seeing three gangsters murdered a person with knife on road. He shouted and ran for the sake of his life but the gangsters didn’t leave him. Like hunting animal in forest these people killed Lingam Yadav a sheep merchant cut off him with knifes very rudely.

That is Lakshmi nagar area in Langar house. Thursday.. Time was around 7 AM. People were doing their daily work. Meanwhile three persons who came on pulsar bike surrounded Lingam yadav. The sheep merchants in that locality tried to stop them but those 3 persons killed Lingam with knife.

The scenes that gangster killing Lingam Yadav was recorded in CCTV camera. Police recognized the accused with the help of evidence of CCTV camera and arrested them. There are two murder cases filed in the past on Lingam Yadav.