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Mumbai Gang-Rape: Victim statement to Police!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   24 Aug 2013 6:09 AM GMT
Mumbai Gang-Rape: Victim statement to Police!
It is known that a photojournalist who works for an English magazine was brutally raped on Thursday in Mumbai and she was undergoing treatment at Jaslok Hospital. The victim has given a statement to the police on what happened on that day. Here it is…

The 23-year-old girl left her office around 5 pm along with her 21-year-old male colleague who is also working as an interim for the same magazine. As part of their assignment, the two went to Shakti Mills near Mahalaxmi railway station to take some photographs. They reached the compound of Shakti Mills by 5.30 pm. After looking at the surroundings, they realized that the place wasn't safe to go and thought of going away from there. At that time, two persons who came from inside the Shakti Mills and pretended like Railway men told to them there is a safe entrance and showed them the way. The two journos then went inside and began taking photographs.

After sometime, the two people who showed them the way to Mills arrived there along with a third person who claimed to a railway employee. The third person said that his boss has seen them taking photographs and asked them to come with them. Then, the girl made a phone call to his boss (head of the photography department) but found his phone was busy. After few minutes, her boss called back and told to him that some Railway people were taking them along with them. Then, the boss asked them to leave the place immediately.

Soon, the girl and her colleague began walking towards the exit door. One of the three accused stopped the male colleague to say 'you have murdered a person here few days ago'. The girl pleaded them to let them go, but they shouted at her and threatened her with dire consequences. Then, the three men took both of them deep into the mill compound. The two journos offered them the camera and phone worth Rs 30,000 each and pleaded them to leave them.

The three accused asked them to take off their belts and tied the male colleague's hands with the belts. Two more people who belong to the same gang have come to the place. While three accused stayed with the male colleague, two persons took the girl behind a wall. At that time, the girl's mother called her to check if everything was all right and the accused threatened her to tell that she is fine. The girl's mother again called her and the accused have made her tell that there is no problem. After threatening to kill her and the male colleague with broken beer bottle, all the accused raped the girl one after the other and the first person who raped her first, raped her again in the end. Later, they asked the journos to check their bags saying nothing was stolen from them and disappeared from there. The girl told everything about the brutal rape to her male colleague who then contacted their boss and rushed her to Jaslok Hospital in a taxi.