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Modi's Wishes, Naidu's Dream & KTR's Big Heart!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   2 Jun 2015 4:54 AM GMT
Modis Wishes, Naidus Dream & KTRs Big Heart!

Prime Minister Narendra Modi conveyed best wishes to Telugu States which are celebrating their 1st Anniversary after Bifurcation.

Narendra Modi: "My best wishes to the people of Telangana on the occasion of their Statehood Day. My best wishes for the State's development journey".

"Greetings & good wishes to my sisters & brothers of Andhra Pradesh in the development journey of this hardworking State".

On the eve of Nava Nirmana Deeksha, Chandrababu Naidu pledged to make Andhra Pradesh best state in the coutry by 2029 and best destination in the World by 2050. He is hopeful that people of the region will stand hand-in-hand to transform the state into a healthy, happy and sunrise AP.

On the eve of Telangana formation day, IT Minister KTR opined they had a very good start but there many promises that need to be fulfilled. He even extended greetings to fellow Telugu brothers and sisters in AP. He sincerely hopes to see both Telugu States prosper & be among Top 5 States in India.