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Land acquisition bill tabled; No more hope to farmers

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   24 Feb 2015 4:48 PM GMT
Land acquisition bill tabled; No more hope to farmers
Land Pooling process for constructing AP capital is creating sensation all over. The State government has already said the deadline for land owners to give consent letters to become part of land pooling scheme ends on February 28.

It has declared that once the deadline for the land pooling scheme expires lands of the farmers who refused to give will be taken over by the government by invoking the new land acquisition act. Andhra Pradesh Agriculture Minister, Prathipati Pulla Rao along with MP Rayapati Samba Siva Rao made the announcement.

The controversial land acquisition Bill was introduced by the government in the Lok Sabha today amid vociferous protests by opposition.Once the new land acquisition bill is passed in Parliament, the farmers cannot win even if they approach the judiciary

Consent letters were given only for 23,000 acres and still there are more than 14,000 acres still to be acquired. Hence, it is planning to invoke the provisions of the new land acquisition act to collect the remaining 14,000 acres of land from the farmers.