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Jagan did Odarpu for party MLAs

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   21 May 2014 8:16 AM GMT
Jagan did Odarpu for party MLAs
The first meeting of YSRC Legislature Party was held at Idupulapaya Wednesday and party leaders unanimously elected YS Jagan as YSRCLP leader.YS Jagan offered tributes at the memorial of YS Rajasekhara Reddy before going to participate in the first meeting of the YSRCP legislature party and he was accompanied by party honorary president and his mother, YS Vijayamma.Apart from the 66-MLAs elected in the Andhra Pradesh general elections, three MLAs and one MP from Telangana also took part in the meeting.

In the meeting, YS Jagan reviewed the party’s performance in the recent elections and analysed the cause for defeat.YS Jagan reportedly asked the leaders not to be disappointed with the results .He infused confidence among the leaders by assuring the good days in future.

The meeting was scheduled to be held in Rajahmundry first but the venue was changed to Idupulapaya following requests from party leaders.The recent results of Seemandhra came as shocker to the party.Though the party leaders and activists were confident of getting a thumping majority in the elections, the results came as a rude shock to them with only 67 Assembly and eight Parliamentary segments in their kitty.