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Hyderabad unsafe for IT women - Another techie missing!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   10 Oct 2014 4:38 AM GMT
Hyderabad unsafe for IT women - Another techie missing!
In spite of trying cordon and other operations to control the crime rate, women safety in this region turned out to be a big challenge for the government. As per the recent details, one more women techie Bhavya Sri was stated to be missing in Hyderabad.

It seems that she went from home at 8:30AM and didn't reach home in the evening on time. When her husband called to her phone, it gave switched off message. As it is repeated giving the same reply, he went to her office and inquired about her presence.

He was shocked to know that she didn't come to office that day. He immediately registered complaint in Police Station and the search is on progress. Cab is being suspected in this case and stay tuned for latest information.