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Hansika-Simbu! Not A Couple Anymore

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   19 Nov 2013 8:12 AM GMT
Hansika-Simbu! Not A Couple Anymore
Most celebrated affairs often end up on a bitter note, which anyway is not an unknown syndrome for cine lovers. From Amitabh-Rekha to Prabhudeva-Nayantara, it is a celebration everyday and a hibernation later when it comes to their sparkling love stories.

Joining this ballroom, pretty heroine Hansika Motwani has called it quits, putting a full stop to her lilting affair of a couple of years with Tamil superstar Simbu. Reports are arriving from Chennai suburbs that this talked about new lovers on the circuit are not exchanging roses any more.

Just a couple of months after their public announcement of dating, it is bitter to believe in this split, but top notch Tamil media confirmed that both these stars are not on talking terms anymore.

At an awards function last week, Simbu turned up at the event nly after inquiring if Hansika has left the venue. As they have announced their unison in public, there is no need to come in single and leave hastily. This confirms the splits, the Tamil media analysed.

Let us see if Simbu and Hansika will wash their dirty linen in public or not, and for now they haven’t responded to any calls regarding this break-up.