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Gangnam response surprised Google engineers; code changed

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   4 Dec 2014 6:17 PM GMT
Gangnam response surprised Google engineers; code changed
Way back to 2012 it’s all about Gangnam dance and it took internet world took storm .The funny dance moves of Korean pop star Psy created sensation and "Gangnam Style" is the most-viewed video in the history of YouTube.It has created record with more than 2 billion views.

Now the phenomenal success of Gangnam dance creating headaches for the Youtube and it created need of revising their software code.

YouTube was designed to record up to 2,147,483,647 video views. It was a 32 integer code and at the time of design they engineers did it like by thinking no video will reach that much mammoth view count.But the gangnam video crossed the limit and due to this they upgraded it to 64 bit integer to accommodate more views.
Google engineers wondered with response for the video and said that they also never expected this much response.

With upgradation to 64 bit Gangnam Style video can reach upto 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 views which was almost impossible.