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Four congress ministers to join in TDP?

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   22 Dec 2013 2:20 PM GMT
Four congress ministers to join in TDP?
As the Centre hastens the process of bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh by referring the AP States Reorganisation Bill 2013 to the Assembly, a growing number of Ministers and Congress MLAs are openly declaring their intention to desert the ruling party.

It was more or less fact that Congress has lost his charm in Seemandhra region and several party leaders including ministers were in search of their political career.

It was heard that Four cabinet ministers of congress party all set to jump into TDP and YSRCP in coming days. By observing recent political developments, it’s clear that CM Kiran is not going to start a new party .

Ministers Erasu Pratap Reddy ,TG Venkatesh , Ganta srinivas,Thota Narasimham have decided to go with TDP. Although they tried to approach YSRCP , but due to special conditions in their constituencies, they have decided to go with TDP.

Otherside JC brothers from Rayalasems are searching their ways to join in Jagan party.Giving indications of the impending move, Diwakar Reddy said that he has no objections to working with Jagan. He said he was ready to work with any political party which fights for Samaikyandhra.In the coastal region at least 10 legislators will join the TD. It is likely that the migrations will begin from January 23.