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Every girl worth watching film Psycho…!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   19 Jun 2013 4:57 AM GMT
Every girl worth watching film Psycho…!
Ram Gopal Varma who scares people with his horror films selected new path now. Present he is coming to scare people in Psycho getup. He wrote story to that film. Kishore Bhargav directed this movie and will release on 21 movie video footage of 10 minutes was released by film unit. As always Varma factory product Nisha Kothari played a major role in this movie.

A guy following a girl and to win her what kind of getup he chose is the movie story. People who saw footage has one doubt!! In general scenes itself if they showed like this clearly.. Who will come to see film! They are also thinking that releasing a video like this and increase the interest of audience on this movie was may be RGV’s idea. Moreover at last wrote that ‘Girls should watch this movie’ on banner. After putting such a banner that girls must watch then.. Will boys stay calm without watching film? Whatever may be RGV thought very cleverly.