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Malli Malli Idhi Raani Roju Theatrical Trailer

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   8 Dec 2014 8:07 AM GMT

Going by the trailer of the film “Malli Malli Idhi Rani Roju”, it could be observed that another heart-touching love story is in the offing for Telugu movie lovers. Directed by Kranthi Madhav of “Onamalu” fame, the film has its audio unveiled yesterday. The movie is all about Raja Ram, an athlete who takes part in running for the country, and his love towards a Muslim girl. Nitya Menon reprises the role of Sharwa’s lady love as the flick gets ready to deal with life in a new perspective. Hero’s narration of his life, goals, and what he achieved after a few years is the soul. As of now, theatrical trailer has raised expectations, though it’s not a regular mass-masala movie.