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Legend Pre-Release Business & Distributors list

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   24 March 2014 5:20 PM GMT
Legend Pre-Release Business & Distributors list
Seems like the makers of Balakrishna starrer 'Legend' are confident about setting the cash registers ringing this Summer. Despite some fancy offers, they have been releasing the film on their own in few key territories.

Censor Officer Dhana Lakshmi will be watching 'Legend' at 3 PM on Tuesday. A certificate will be issued soon after the screening if the makers agree for all the terms & conditions. Grand release is being planned on March 28th and 'Legend' is going to be biggest opener in the career of Balakrishna. Wish it also ends up as the highest grossing film in Nata Simha's career.

'Legend' Pre-Release Business & Distributors list:

Nizam: Through Global & Vintage by 14 Reels (Own Release).

Ceeded: NV Prasad - Rs 7.3 crore.

Vizag: VBM Reddy - Rs 3.43 crore.

Guntur: S Creations - Rs 3.6 crore.

West: New Buyers - Rs 1.8 crore.

East: Through Global & Vintage by 14 Reels (Own Release).

Krishna: 14 Reels (Own Release).

Karnataka: SLSKV Films.

Overseas: Cinema Paradiso.

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