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Hero Nikhil rejected 39 scripts before Signing It!

By:  Tupaki Desk   |   6 Oct 2014 9:15 AM GMT
Hero Nikhil rejected 39 scripts before Signing It!
Hero Nikhil is very particular that he shouldn't lose the success streak. As a result, He became very choosey after the release of 'Swamy Ra Ra' and turned down almost 39 scripts before signing 'Karthikeya'.

Touted to be a comedy thriller, 'Karthikeya' is a blend of some humorous and scary moments. Nikhil will be seen in the role of a medical student in the movie. For the role, He has done a lot of research right from how the doctors handle patients and how does treatment be offered. He proudly claims 9 months of his life has been spent on the project.

'Karthikeya' is simultaneously releasing in Tamil Nadu and Kerala as well in dubbed versions. So, there is every reason for Nikhil to get more excited as it marks his debut in Kollywood and Mollywood. This promising film is releasing on October 17th.