Women having sex should be hanged: SP leader

Update: 2014-04-11 17:13 GMT
The leaders of Samajwadi Party suffering with tongue slips in public meets. On Thursday
, Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav shocked everyone by defending rapists, saying they should not be hanged for committing a rape.

Now today one more leader from the party repeated the same by saying victims in rape cases should also be punished. Samajwadi Party leader Abu Azmi has earned widespread criticism for his controversial comments on rape. When this reporter asked for Azmi’s comments on his chief Mulayam’s  statements, he replied that rape was punishable by death in Islam. “Rape is punishable by hanging in Islam. But here, nothing happens to women, only to men. Even the woman is guilty.”

‘’Any woman if, whether married or unmarried, goes along with a man, with or without her consent, should be hanged. Both should be hanged. It shouldn't be allowed even if a woman goes by consent. “he added further

The statements has shocked the entire nation and everyone and many has started to criticize Abu Azmi for his cheap remarks on women. It's time for the public to teach a lesson for the party leaders.

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