Versatile Hero turns Bodybuilder

Update: 2013-05-20 08:34 GMT
The film 'I' (Manoharudu in Telugu) in the crazy combination of Shankar and Vikram is bound to have many specialities and one such element that would stun the audience is over Versatile Hero's well-toned look.

Vikram will be appearing as bodybuilder for few portions in the film. Known to be a perfectionist, Vikram is getting trained since few months attain a muscled body. National Bodybuilding Champion from Tamilnadu 'M Kamaraj' is playing the villain in this big ticket flick and former Mr India M Arasu will be acting as a judge for the competition that comes at a crucial juncture.

Known to be a perfectionist, Vikram is losing and gaining weight quite often in the the past few months to get into the skin of the dual characters he plays.

'I' is being made with a budget of nary Rs 100 crores and it is a try-lingual (Telugu, Tamil Hindi). Vikram is a huge star in Tamilnadu and Shankar is a big brand down South, so recovering the huge investment willn't be a problem. Amy Jackson plays the female lead and AR Rahman composes the music.

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