Telengana – Seemandhra war to get started in Hyderabad!

Update: 2014-05-07 04:36 GMT
Bifurcation process is on full swing in the central level. Capital search in on progress in Seemandhra while buildings allocation in on progress in Telengana. Newly formed regions will have 2 sets of ministers. One for Seemandhra and the other for Telengana. All operations will be carried out from Hyderabad as it is the joint capital for the first few years.

In this scenario, government is now busy allocating the office buildings and the ministers’ houses to the respective winners of the elections. Soon after this task, central government will hand over the respective packages for the development of the individual regions. War is expected to get started during this span as either Seemandhra or Telengana will get higher share.

People are quite eager to see how the 2 state governments will start their operations from Hyderabad without quarrelling among themselves. If everything goes well, we may expect huge development in both the regions. Or else, the situation which we say few months back may get repeated!

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