Popular Singer escapes flight clash

Update: 2013-06-24 11:30 GMT
Life is so unpredictable and you never know what happens in the very next moment. Popular singer Mano came to know about this staunch reality few days ago.

Recently, Mano boarded the Kuala Lumpur-Chennai flight which took off and made an emergency landing due to technical issues. When the flight had just taken off from the Kuala Lumpur International airport, it slightly tilted to one side and the pilot detected a problem, then informed about the issue to the Airlines authorities. Immediately, a clearance was given for the aircraft to land as safety of passengers is the first priority. After landing, a team of technicians have rushed towards the flight and after thorough examination they found out that one of the two engines was completely failed.

Sharing his experience, Mano told that the flight would have been crashed in an ocean if the pilot hasn't detected the technical issue on time. The singer and other passengers on board are lucky enough to have a safe landing. Airline officials have arranged an another flight for all the passengers after few hours. That's how the story ended on a happy note! 

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