Nizam didn't killed Komaram Bheem:Nayini

Update: 2015-01-03 13:53 GMT

Telangana home minister backed KCR on his praises over nizam. Chief minister KCR had praised nizam yesterday created outrage from opposition. Leaders from opposition questioned KCR on praising nizam when he is the main reason for the death of Telangana tribal leader Komaram Bheem.

Today Nayini backed KCR and called Nizam as great king. He said, nizam was the main person behind Hyderabad development and accepted there were few mistakes in his government. But the leader suggested opposition leaders to see the development Hyderabad under Nizam instead of his small mistakes. Nayini took on TDP and congress for making making allegations on KCR over wooing muslim leaders in view of ghmc elections.

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