Mahesh fans Dharna in front of 1 - Nenokkadine office

Update: 2013-12-11 13:07 GMT
Mahesh Babu have staged a dharna before '1 - Nenokkadine' office for alleged ill-treatment meted out to them when they came to meet their favourite star.

As per the sources, A person named Koti prevented the fans from meeting Mahesh Babu and even used harsh language against them. This didn't go well down with the fans who immediately launched a protest.

Who is actually this Koti? Some say, he is a guy in the production department. Slogans like 'Koti Bayataki Ravali' have been heard at the premises of '1 - Nenokkadine' office.

Hopefully, the issues comes to the notice of Mahesh Babu and gives proper instructions to his staff and the production team on how to treat the fans who made him what he is Today.

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