Fans Angry With Jr Powerstar Title

Update: 2013-01-24 07:12 GMT
Fans have become a major power in controlling the successes of star-heroes these days. Right now one such mega-group is angry with some writings in media. Reports have that some media are writing about hero Ram as 'Junior Powerstar'. This is not doing well with hardcore Pawan Kalyan fans. They say that imitating Powerstar will not make any hero a junior of him. 'Many a times noted comedians like Ali and Venu Madhav too imitated Pawan's style of dialogue delivery and gestures.

Do you call them too as Juniors of Pawan?' a hardcore fan questioned. However, critics are advising these fans to take everything in lighter vein as comparisons don't make anyone a star, but an individual talent will.

On the flip side, hero Ram is all set to test his luck once again with mass-masala pot boiler movie 'Ongole Gitta' on February 1st. Let us see what is luck having in store for him.

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