Nawaz to raise drone issue with Obama

Update: 2013-10-05 16:34 GMT
Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif will raise the issue of drone attacks with US President Barrack Obama in Washington later this month, the foreign ministry said Saturday.

It will be Sharif's first meeting with Obama since assuming office in June.

The prime minister would continue to raise this issue with President Obama when they meet at White House Oct 23, reported Xinhua citing Pakistan's Foreign Secretary Jalil Abbas Jilani.

"The issue of American drone strikes was raised by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif during his visit to the United Nations and also his General Assembly's speech and other forums. He will take up the matter with President Barrack Obama and will also keep on raising the issue at other forums," he said.

US Secretary of State John Kerry extended invitation to Sharif in New York on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly last month.

The US says the drones target al-Qaeda and Taliban militants who are holding up in Pakistan's restive northwestern tribal regions and launch cross-border attacks on neighbouring Afghanistan.

Islamabad argues that the drone strikes violate its sovereignty and international laws and spark anti-American sentiment.

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